Monday, March 5, 2007

Adam in London 6 (mostly in the city of vice)

shortly you will hear of the horrors of amsterdam. it may be too scary for people like matt bradshaw so he should turn back now. when i got back to my room after my travels this morning i talked to my friend lauren who was also in a'dam with us but took an earlier flight back to london because she had class. basically she said that even though it was 6am in the morning, a strange man chased after her on her way to the train station. luckily she got away, more importantly, luckily we all got away. on a much brighter note my food review of gung dten finally made its way onto the mcsweeneys site, so after youre done watching my facial movements stuck in weird constricted poses overtop of a series of grunts, you should go to:

1 comment:

Ryan said...

omg mcsweeney's!