Thursday, March 8, 2007

this post is dedicated to will collins

well it's pretty boy collins birthday tomorrow and the coincidence that i experienced last night made this post necessary to write. i found an el paso. mind you, this is a fredericksburg thing. next to playin' poker this might be the manliest thing that i can lay claim to. mr. collins as well as his cronies mr. clint woods and mr. frank franciose are responsible for showing me this proverbial fortress of solitude. it's a dinky little tex mex place off of route 1 that has an even dinkier bar in the back. it has the most amazing happy hour deal ever, dos XX with salt and lime for a buck. they are the only place in town that accepts my fake id. not only that but because we are recognized as frequenters of the establishment our chimichangas can sometimes cost as little as 3 dollars, that's a lotta beans my friend. well ok now that the footnotes are out of the way i will get to the brass. i found an el paso here in london. on my way to a place called catch last night where i witnessed two subpar improvisatory noise bands i noticed a bar that said BEST TEX MEX FOOD IN LONDON. now i was under the impression that there were no tex mex places in london because i checked the internet and it told me so. right next to this fading manifesto laid a metallic sign with purple lights that screamed EL PASO BAR. i was already full from a dinner that included microwaveable vegetarian spring rolls so i didn't even chance a glance at the menu for fear of inciting my lustful burrito hankering which has gone unfulfilled for so long. i scampered off to the club and was so happy from my discovery that i didn't even mind the fact that i was alone, going to a show that i would soon find out was not worth the 4pounds i paid to get in. so when my busy schedule of mostly fun and little work calms down a bit i shall go back to el paso dos (as i shall call it) and raise a glass to mr. collins (they probably won't have dos XX, the only mexican beer they have here is Sol and if San Miguel is mexican too than that counts also) and let out a genuine Cumpleanos Feliz.

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